No solutions, elegant or otherwise

I find the term ‘elegant solution’ compelling. I think I would practically swoon if presented with an elegant solution for something. That’s funny though as I can not recall any elegant solutions in my life for anything. Elegantly is just not...

Coming Off Meds

Coming off psychiatric medication, or what we tend to call meds is something I don’t know much about. I have a friend who has just been through quite a process finding meds that work for her in her situation. She is settling down now with something that is...

Who’s that man?

I wasn’t watching the screen but I heard a name announced that was almost familiar and I started paying attention. Some was being interviewed for an expert opinion on something. It was the psychologist who Mottsu has consulted in the weeks before he died. I...


A girlfriend was saying she thinks she may have been depressed all of her life. “It’s hard to reach out” she said. “It’s hard to get what you need” she said. She did reach out, and consulted her doctor who gave her a prescription...

Abnormal? grief!

I spoke with a friend, Shelley, recently. Actually Shelley is the sister-in-law of one of my friends, we’ve known each other for a long time as friends of friends. We enjoyed the catch to see each other and chatted, sharing and catching up. Shelle mentioned she...

ECT – another resource

Here is an interview with Vaughn McCall the Professor of Psychiatry, at Wake Forest University School of Medicine in North Carolina, a friend sent me the link. The professor says “…ECT, the treatment with the worst reputation in all of medicine” He...