…and so this is Christmas

It’s Christmas and a time for being with family, and for many it’s a time without somebody special. A time when you can feel very alone amid the general cheer. It’s also a time when many won’t understand your sadness, I know mine is...


It’s a year since my first post, more or less anyway. Happy blog-a-versary to me . To mark the occasion the picture is my favourite it’s the big picture of the blog banner. I hope you’ve probably read some of the other posts. This blog is about loss...

Ring ring

My mobile phone rang today I answered “Could I speak to Mottsu?” someone said “No” was all I said Someone introduced himself, from a vineyard in the Hunter Valley A marketing call “Mottsu died about 6 years ago” I said “I am...

Crossing me

You get to the edge of who you are and there’s no going back you have to cross. Cross with care or cross with abandon. My experiences shape who I am, and recent experiences, the ones I write about, have certainly taken me beyond what I had imagined was me and...

Bring it on world 3

For all the coping, recovering, and staying strong I did, there were some oddly disconcerting episodes too. I managed to set fire to my house, and not realise until woken by neighbours. A bit later on, I fell off my bike, knocked myself out and broke my collar bone....