The Oregon Paradox

There is something about knowing your choices that is empowering. At a panel discussion recently a young woman spoke of dark times she experienced during a psychotic break. She said that she was consoled by the knowledge that she had choices about living. Knowing that...

Derek K Miller in his own words

I feel privileged to have discovered this moving blog post by Derek K Miller. He wrote about facing death before he died. He wrote about the process and his beliefs before dying of the complications of a severe cancer. “The world, indeed the whole universe, is a...

A Sudden Loss

Vale Mottsu’s Dad 19 June 1930 – 7 April 2011 Much loved and much missed. A number of people at the funeral said that although it was a sad occasion the service was special. I recall a time Mottsu’s parents visited from New Zealand and we took them...

One Fine Day

One fine day in the middle of the night, Two dead boys got up to fight, Back to back they faced each other, Drew their swords and shot each other That makes as much sense as the twins in Colorado who shot themselves in an apparent suicide pact. One of twins became the...

Remembering Zoe Alder

It’s so difficult when someone dies by suicide, there is no way to rationalise or comprehend what happened. We’re left behind mourning, questioning, coloured by every possible shade of regret. Blame is present too, for not being stronger, kinder, for not...

Let me go

Euthanasia is a little off topic for this boo-hoo blog. It was, at least, until Free TV Australia ruled that an advertisement calling for voluntary euthanasia was promoting suicide. So now I’m talking about end of life care and euthanasia – which is not...