In September 2007 a concert was held in New York: Healing the Divide: A Concert for Peace and Reconciliation. The cause is to start dialogues between the East and the West.

Dialogue helps engender understanding and appreciation between those with different views. I’ve been following the dialogue about the reporting of suicide in the Australian press. For every view there is a counter-view, a range of differing views are being expressed.

Suicide is a sensitive, emotive and painful topic for discussion. I know how vulnerable I am to hurt to by any conversation that is not considerate, and kind hearted. I feel criticised by helpful suggestions by well meaning friends. They readily tell me what I should do or could do, what I need to do. I believe people touched by suicide need to be treated with more care than most. The impact of suicide is traumatic, the wounds are readily opened by careless words. It is hard to start the conversations that need to happen when so much hurt is present.

I think a lot about how speak with heart and tonight I heard a track from the Peace and Reconciliation concert on the radio, and it touched me “Always Keep a Diamond in Your Mind” sang Tom Waits. A diamond in your mind, spoke to me of having a good intent. Precious and pure.

As I start conversations and talk about suicide, I’m trying to keep a diamond in my mind. I believe talking is a way to heal some of the residual hurt, considered, caring, thoughtful conversations. I don’t want to be the wrecking ball Tom sings about, the wrecking ball not connected to the chain.

I’ll be ready to apologise if it doesn’t go well.