DemonsThe thing that most makes me furious around how Hedgehog is being treated and taken care of is how he is being disempowered by the best efforts of the workplace to try and fix him.

Hedgehog is entitled to better support less PANIC, and more effort to understand. Can’t he decide whether to work or not?

Let him decide his own course of treatment and action – trust him to make good choices…

I know how fear can drive reactions when someone confides an inner distress. Hero once told me he had lived enough. After Mottsu, the statement brought me to my knees, my legs just melted with the fear of loss… I panicked. I’m ashamed to say that my reaction that should have been about him was all about me.

I wasn’t very supportive with my overriding desire to help.

Downright unhelpful.

I like to think I would react differently now, and do what I should have done then, extend my hand – now that’s a gesture of support.